• Analytics,  VolFix

    đź’«Economic Pulse Check: Key Data Highlights and Market Outlook

    Not much economic data is expected this week.   The key events are the 20-year Treasury bond auction, the release of the Fed minutes and Nvidia earnings, which occur on Wednesday.   Monday and Tuesday will be dominated by speeches from FRB Atlanta President Rafael Bostic. He will speak on both days, with additional appearances on Thursday.   Federal Reserve Governor Chris Waller will also speak this week, discussing the economic outlook on Tuesday and monetary policy on Friday. Traders believe the neutral rate (R*) is higher than the Fed thinks, pointing to rising commodity prices such as copper as evidence. They expect inflation to rise further and believe the…

  • Analytics,  Tips & Tricks,  VolFix

    EURO: Volume Analysis & Key Levels

    This analytical review is not like any other you may have read before.  Here you will not find answers as to why the market went up or down.  All we need is the data from the stock exchange on the volume of trades at each price. Simply put, we analyze which prices traders are interested in, which trend is being supported by players and which prices are being used to make large trades.  Ahead is a chart of the EURO FX futures contract, or EUR/USD if you prefer. Time frame – Day.  Period – 12/01 – 15/04/2024 Type of chart – volume profile.  Bottom and left histograms – Volume &…

  • Tips & Tricks


    Light Sweet Crude Oil  13.03-19.05.2023   The VolFix platform offers a trading rating service for traders who have given public access to real-time information about their trades in simulated accounts (paper-accounts). The modern investor will study the statement and monitor the trader’s trades before making capital available for trust management. On slide #1 the table on the left shows the ratings of traders for the period 13/03-19/05/23 who trade on the NYMEX. There are a total of 100 traders in the NYMEX ranking for this period. 41 of 100 traders – positive returns (P/L% greater than 0). 8 traders – profit above 10000$. Winning Traders 45 Losing Traders 55 P/L more…

  • Tips & Tricks

    TIPS and TRICKS: time market map

    For profitable trading it will be advisable to make trades at the moments of trading session when strong price movement is the most probable, and those periods when market is weak or is in sideways movement, exclude trading operations. After the first study of market tendencies one might think that it is almost impossible to determine in advance in which periods the market is more dynamic. It is worth to mark out the times when important news and reports are released. Take an economic calendar to determine the exact time of news releases. My research was carried out, the main task was to identify the periods of trading session with higher volatility and…

  • LMI News,  Tips & Tricks,  Training,  VolFix

    Use the best market tools for your trading!

    Make sure your trading is perfect in every way, not just your skills but the tools you use for high-precision analysis of the market situation. It’s pretty obvious that if your information is coming from unreliable sources or lagging, you will lose money. You can’t afford to rely on incorrect data. That is why the market analysis software you use must be properly configured and prepared for specific tasks.  How to set up the VolFix platform and make most of it? If this is your first time you are using Volfix, here are some tips:  all program modules can be divided into 4 groups:  “Charts” – all variations of displaying…

  • Tips & Tricks

    Merely being unconventional in one’s approach improves one’s chances of success

    Many of us traders have tried to find their own very best unique trading system hoping that it’s authentic enough to help us win most of the trades. When trying to find our “holy grail” we are thinking that other trader’s won’t be able to do as good as we can. However, only an understanding of underlying market drivers, or at least the chart patterns they produce, can provide any kind of edge. Whether that is ‘conventional’ or ‘unconventional’ is moot. TA provides a window into HOW price has behaved, but it doesn’t explain WHY, and to whatever extent it fails to measure either ‘fair value’ or current sentiment, its…

  • Tips & Tricks

    Inverting the signals in a losing strategy must necessarily make it a winning one.

    Any strategy that fails to exploit a real market inefficiency is effectively generating random signals. Inverting a random signal generator will only create yet another random signal generator, which will, therefore, be equally ineffective. Why is it? Transaction costs (spread, commission, slippage, swap, etc). These accumulate over time, making both win smaller and losses bigger. Like Jen says, the shorter your trading horizon, and the more frequently you trade, the greater the relative impact that these have. Many traders greatly underestimate their effect. Slippage never operates in your favor, but can have a severely destructive effect during market crashes or ‘black swans’. Statistical fluctuation. If your strategy doesn’t exploit a…